ReplicationTables Collection (SQL-DMO)

The ReplicationTables collection contains ReplicationTable objects referencing the user-defined tables of a Microsoft® SQL Server™ database.


SQL Server replication publications and subscriptions can be used to automate replication of user data. To simplify replication configuration when using SQL-DMO, SQL-DMO implements the ReplicationTables and ReplicationStoredProcedures collections, which list user-defined tables and stored procedures.

With the ReplicationTables collection, you can enumerate those tables that can participate in replication as a source for article data.

When using the Item method, the ReplicationTables collection supports member identification using either name or ordinal reference syntax. For example:

Set oReplicationTable = _
oReplicationDatabase.oReplicationTables("[Order Details]")


Set oReplicationTable = oReplicationDatabase.oReplicationTables(3)

Additionally, when using the table name to select an object from the collection, the Item method allows owner name qualification. For example:

Set oReplicationTable = _
oReplicationDatabase.oReplicationTables("Orders", "dbo")

Item Method  


Count Property


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