Users Collection (SQL-DMO)

The Users collection contains User objects referencing Microsoft® SQL Server™ database user definitions.


A SQL Server user forms one part of SQL Server security implementation. A user represents either a SQL Server login or Microsoft Windows NT® security account with data access privilege within a SQL Server database.

With the Users collection, you can:

For more information about creating and removing SQL Server database users by using the User object and Users collection, see User Object.

When using the Item or Remove method, the Users collection supports member identification using either name or ordinal reference syntax. For example:

Set oUser = oDatabase.Users("anned")


Set oUser = oDatabase.Users(2)

Note Creating or removing SQL Server database users by using the Users collection requires appropriate privilege. The SQL Server login used for SQLServer object connection must be a member of the fixed role db_accessadmin or a role with greater privilege.

Add Method Refresh Method
Item Method Remove Method (Collections)
ItemByID Method  


Count Property

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