Checked Property (SQL-DMO)

The Checked property enables or disables integrity or FOREIGN KEY constraint evaluation for an existing integrity or FOREIGN KEY constraint.

Applies To
Check Object Key Object


object.Checked [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
value True or False


If True, an attempt is made to enforce an integrity or FOREIGN KEY constraint when rows are added to the table on which the constraint is defined. An error occurs if data fails constraint checking.

If False, no attempt is made to enforce the integrity or FOREIGN KEY constraint when rows are added to the table on which the constraint is defined.

Data Type



Read/write when the SQL-DMO object references an existing Microsoft® SQL Server™ component.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetChecked(LPBOOL pRetVal);

HRESULT SetChecked(BOOL NewValue);

See Also



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