SaturdayPagerStartTime Property (SQL-DMO)

The SaturdayPagerStartTime specifies the earliest time of day at which the referenced operator is available to receive alert notification by pager.

Applies To

Operator Object


object.SaturdayPagerStartTime [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
value Time of day specified by using a Date value


Use the PagerDays property to set the days of the week for which pager notifications will be sent to the referenced operator. When the operator is available for pager notification on Saturday, use the SaturdayPagerStartTime and SaturdayPagerEndTime properties to set hours of availability.

When the end page time is less than the start page time for an operator, the interval is calculated so that paging occurs through 12:00 AM.

To enable an operator for page notification for Saturday night and Sunday morning

  1. Set PagerDays, including SQLDMOWeek_Saturday and SQLDMOWeek_Sunday.
  2. Set SaturdayPagerStartTime to the time of day at which notification by page should begin on Saturday. For example, 20:00:00 to begin paging at 8:00 PM.
  3. Set SundayPagerEndTime to the time of day at which notification by page should stop on Sunday. For example, 8:00:00 to end paging at 8:00 AM.
  4. If applicable, set SaturdayPagerEndTime and SundayPagerStartTime to values controlling end of paging initiated on Friday and start of paging for Sunday night and Monday morning.
Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetSaturdayPagerStartTime(LPLONG pRetVal);

HRESULT SetSaturdayPagerStartTime(long NewValue);

Note When SQL-DMO uses a scaled long integer to represent a time, the integer is built as a sum of the hour scaled by 10000, the minute scaled by 100, and the seconds. The time value uses a 24-hour clock. For example, the time 1:03:09 P.M. is represented by the long integer value 130309.

See Also
PagerDays Property WeekdayPagerEndTime Property
SundayPagerEndTime Property WeekdayPagerStartTime Property
SundayPagerStartTime Property  


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