SnapshotObjectOwner Property (SQL-DMO)

The SnapshotObjectName identifies the owner of the Microsoft® SQL Server™ database object providing an initial snapshot of replicated data for an article.

Applies To
MergeArticle Object TransArticle Object


object.SnapshotObjectOwner [= value]

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
value String identifying an existing SQL Server database user by name


For more information about SnapshotObjectOwner, see SnapshotObjectName Property.

Data Type



Read/write for a TransArticle object. Read-only for a MergeArticle object.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetSnapshotObjectOwner(SQLDMO_LPBSTR pRetVal);

HRESULT SetSnapshotObjectOwner(SQLDMO_LPCSTR NewValue);

Note SQL-DMO strings are always returned as OLE BSTR objects. A C/C++ application obtains a reference to the string. The application must release the reference by using SysFreeString.


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