AddObject Method (SQL-DMO)

The AddObject method appends the database object referenced to the list of those objects copied when the Transfer method of the Database object is used to copy database schema or data.

Applies To

Transfer Object


object.AddObject( DBObject )

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
DBObject Expression that evaluates to a DBObject object


SQL-DMO implements copying of database schema and data by using the Transfer object and methods implemented on the Database object. The Transfer object is used to define what database objects are affected by the copy and how the copy is performed. Use the AddObject and AddObjectByName methods to add database objects to those affected by the copy.

Note The ListObjects method of the Database object returns a list of DBObject objects. The method can be used to prepare a list for use by the AddObject method.

Prototype (C/C++)



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