DisableTransSubscription Method (SQL-DMO)

The DisableTransSubscription method removes the record of a Subscriber-initiated (pull) subscription from the transactional or snapshot publication Publisher and Distributor.

Applies To

ReplicationDatabase Object


object.DisableTransSubscription( Subscriber, SubscriptionDatabase,
Publication )

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
Subscriber String specifying an existing Subscriber by name
SubscriptionDatabase String specifying the subscribed database by name
Publication String specifying an existing transactional or snapshot replication publication by name


Removing a pull subscription by using SQL-DMO is a two-step process. The application must remove the subscription at the Subscriber, then, separately, remove the record of the subscription at the Publisher and Distributor.

To remove a pull subscription to a transactional or snapshot replication publication

  1. Establish a SQLServer object connection to the Subscriber.
  2. Extract the TransPullSubscription object referencing the subscription from the Subscriber TransPullSubscriptions collection.
  3. Use the Remove method of the TransPullSubscription object.
  4. Establish a SQLServer object connection to the Publisher.
  5. Use the DisableTransSubscription method of the ReplicationDatabase object referencing the published database.
Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT DisableTransSubscription(
SQLDMO_LPCSTR SubscriptionDatabase,
SQLDMO_LPCSTR Publication);


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