EnumLogReaderAgentSessions Method (SQL-DMO)

The EnumLogReaderAgentSessions method returns a QueryResults object enumerating execution status data for the Log Reader Agent specified.

Applies To

DistributionPublisher Object


object.EnumLogReaderAgentSessions( AgentName,
SessionType, SessionDuration ) as QueryResults

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
AgentName String identifying a Log Reader Agent by name.
SessionType Long integer indicating session type as described in Settings.
SessionDuration Long integer specifying a number of hours. Restricts result set membership to those sessions launched within the number of hours specified. Use 0 to specify no restriction on agent session start time.


Set SessionType by using these values.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOSession_All 1 Output contains log information for all sessions for agent
SQLDMOSession_Errors 2 Output contains log information only for those execution attempts ending in error


A QueryResults object containing one result set defined by these columns.

Column Data type Description
runstatus integer Executing state. Interpret by using SQLDMO_TASKSTATUS_TYPE.
start_time nvarchar(26) Date and time of last scheduled execution.
time nvarchar(26) Date and time of message logging.
comments nvarchar(256) Descriptive text.
duration integer Elapsed time of the session.
delivery_rate float Average number of commands delivered per second.
delivery_latency integer Latency, in milliseconds, between the Publisher committing a transaction and that transaction entering the distribution database.
delivery_time integer Cumulative time measurement for delivery.
delivered_transactions integer Cumulative number of transactions delivered in the session.
delivered_commands integer Cumulative number of commands delivered in the session.
average_commands integer Average number of commands per transaction delivered in the session.
action_count integer Number of session history records.
error_id integer When nonzero, Microsoft® SQL Server™ error message number.


In the result set, date and time data returned in start_time and time is formatted as YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss.fff where: YYYY represents the year in four digits; MM represents the month in two digits (zero padded); DD represents the day of the month in two digits; hh represents the hour using two digits, a twenty-four hour clock and zero padding; mm represents the minute in two digits (zero padded); ss represents the second in two digits (zero padded); and fff represents the fractional part of the second in three digits.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT EnumLogReaderAgentSessions(
long SessionDuration,


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