EnumParameters Method (SQL-DMO)

The EnumParameters method returns a QueryResults object enumerating the parameters of a Microsoft® SQL Server™ stored procedure.

Applies To

StoredProcedure Object


object.EnumParameters() as QueryResults

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list


A QueryResults object containing one result set defined by these columns.

Column Data type Description
name nvarchar(129) Parameter name
name nvarchar(129) Name of the parameter data type
length smallint Length modifier for the parameter data type when applicable, such as in nchar(5)
colid smallint Ordinal position of the parameter
output tinyint When 1, the parameter is input/output or output


When a stored procedure has no defined parameters, method execution succeeds and the result set returned is empty. The Rows property of the QueryResults object returns 0.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT EnumParameters(


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