RemoveFullTextCatalogs Method (SQL-DMO)

The RemoveFullTextCatalogs method drops all Microsoft Search full-text catalogs supporting full-text query on a Microsoft® SQL Server™ database.

Applies To

Database Object


object.RemoveFullTextCatalogs( )

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list


The RemoveFullTextCatalogs method:

  1. Locates all full-text catalogs defined for a database.
  2. Stops population of all full-text catalogs.
  3. Disables full-text indexing on any tables whose indexes are maintained in the full-text-catalogs.
  4. Drops all full-text catalogs.

The method does not disable full-text indexing on the referenced database, but removes all data used to configure full-text indexing and all full-text catalogs supporting the indexes.

Note After using the RemoveFullTextCatalogs method, a database must be configured anew to restore full-text indexing on the database. Use the Rebuild method of the FullTextCatalog object to re-create full-text catalogs as currently configured.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT RemoveFullTextCatalogs();

See Also

Rebuild Method


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