RemoteLoginFailed Event (SQL-DMO)

The RemoteLoginFailed event occurs when a Microsoft® SQL Server™ installation-initiated attempt to connect to a remote server fails.

Applies To

SQLServer Object


Private Sub object_RemoteLoginFailed( Severity as Long ,
MessageNumber as Long , MessageState as Long , Message as String )

Part Description
object Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
Severity Long integer identifying the severity level of a SQL Server error message
MessageNumber Long integer identifying a SQL Server error message by number
MessageState Long integer identifying a state value for a SQL Server error message
Message String containing SQL Server error message text


To facilitate connections between SQL Server installations in an organization, SQL Server uses remote-server naming.

A SQL Server installation can maintain authentication information for connections originating from other SQL Server installations. Each SQL Server installation in an organization can control access by listing the SQL Server installations from which it accepts connections.

A SQL Server installation-initiated connection can fail when authentication for the connection fails or when the remote server denies access to all other SQL Server installations.

Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT RemoteLoginFailed(long Severity, long MessageNumber,
long MessageState, SQLDMO_LPCSTR Message);


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