Object scripting constants are used by objects and methods that generate a Transact-SQL script as part of an administrative task automated by using SQL-DMO. For example, object scripting constants are used to control the behavior of the:
Object scripting constants are used in the context established by the object or method. For more information about object scripting constant context, see the reference for the object or method.
Constant | Value | Description |
SQLDMOScript_Aliases | 16384 | Obsolete. |
SQLDMOScript_AppendToFile | 256 | Object Script method only. Append to indicated output file. By default, Script method overwrites existing file. |
SQLDMOScript_Bindings | 128 | Generate sp_bindefault and sp_bindrule statements. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_ClusteredIndexes | 8 | Generate Transact-SQL defining clustered indexes. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_DatabasePermissions | 32 | Generate Transact-SQL database privilege defining script. Database permissions grant or deny statement execution rights. |
SQLDMOScript_Default | 4 | SQLDMOScript_PrimaryObject. |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_All | 532676608 | All values defined as SQLDMOScript_DRI_... combined by using an Or logical. |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_AllConstraints | 520093696 | SQLDMOScript_DRI_ Checks, SQLDMOScript_DRI_ Defaults, SQLDMOScript_DRI_ ForeignKeys, SQLDMOScript_DRI_ PrimaryKey, and SQLDMOScript_DRI_ UniqueKeys combined by using an Or logical. |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_AllKeys | 469762048 | SQLDMOScript_DRI_ ForeignKeys, SQLDMOScript_DRI_ PrimaryKey, SQLDMOScript_DRI_ UniqueKeys combined by using an Or logical. |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_Checks | 16777216 | Generated script creates column-specified CHECK constraints. Directs scripting when declarative referential integrity establishes dependency relationships. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_Clustered | 8388608 | Generated script creates clustered indexes. Directs scripting when declarative referential integrity establishes dependency relationships. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_Defaults | 33554432 | Generated script includes column-specified defaults. Directs scripting when declarative referential integrity establishes dependency relationships. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_ForeignKeys | 134217728 | Generated script creates FOREIGN KEY constraints. Directs scripting when declarative referential integrity establishes dependency relationships. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_NonClustered | 4194304 | Generated script creates nonclustered indexes. Directs scripting when declarative referential integrity establishes dependency relationships. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_PrimaryKey | 268435456 | Generated script creates PRIMARY KEY constraints. Directs scripting when declarative referential integrity establishes dependency relationships. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table |
SQLDMOScript_DRI_UniqueKeys | 67108864 | Generated script creates candidate keys defined using a unique index. Directs scripting when declarative referential integrity establishes dependency relationships. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_DRIIndexes | 65536 | When SQLDMOScript_NoDRI is specified, script PRIMARY KEY constraints using a unique index to implement the declarative referential integrity. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_DRIWithNoCheck | 536870912 | When using SQLDMOScript_DRI_ Checks, or SQLDMOScript_DRI_ ForeignKeys, generated script includes the WITH NOCHECK clause optimizing constraint creation. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_Drops | 1 | Generate Transact-SQL to remove referenced component. Script tests for existence prior attempt to remove component. |
SQLDMOScript_IncludeHeaders | 131072 | Generated script is prefixed with a header containing date and time of generation and other descriptive information. |
SQLDMOScript_IncludeIfNotExists | 4096 | Transact-SQL creating a component is prefixed by a check for existence. When script is executed, component is created only when a copy of the named component does not exist. |
SQLDMOScript_Indexes | 73736 | SQLDMOScript_ ClusteredIndexes, SQLDMOScript_ NonClusteredIndexes, and SQLDMOScript_ DRIIndexes combined by using a logical OR. |
SQLDMOScript_NoCommandTerm | 32768 | Individual Transact-SQL statements in the script are not delimited using the connection-specific command terminator. By default, individual Transact-SQL statements are delimited. |
SQLDMOScript_NoDRI | 512 | Generated Transact-SQL statements do not include any clauses defining declarative referential integrity constraints. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. Only use when script will execute on a version 4.21a SQL Server installation. |
SQLDMOScript_NoIdentity | 1073741824 | Generated Transact-SQL statements do not include definition of identity property, seed, and increment. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table |
SQLDMOScript_NonClusteredIndexes | 8192 | Generate Transact-SQL defining nonclustered indexes. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_ObjectPermissions | 2 | Include Transact-SQL privilege defining statements when scripting database objects. |
SQLDMOScript_OwnerQualify | 262144 | Object names in Transact-SQL generated to remove an object are qualified by the owner of the referenced object. Transact-SQL generated to create the referenced object qualify the object name using the current object owner. |
SQLDMOScript_Permissions | 34 | SQLDMOScript_ ObjectPermissions and SQLDMOScript_ DatabasePermissions combined by using an Or logical. |
SQLDMOScript_PrimaryObject | 4 | Generate Transact-SQL creating the referenced component. |
SQLDMOScript_SortedData | 1048576 | Obsolete. |
SQLDMOScript_SortedDataReorg | 2097152 | Obsolete. |
SQLDMOScript_TimestampToBinary | 524288 | When scripting object creation for a table or user-defined data type, convert specification of timestamp data type to binary(8). |
SQLDMOScript_ToFileOnly | 64 | Most SQL-DMO object scripting methods specify both a return value and an optional output file. When used, and an output file is specified, the method does not return the script to the caller, but only writes the script to the output file. |
SQLDMOScript_TransferDefault | 422143 | Default. SQLDMOScript_ PrimaryObject, SQLDMOScript_Drops, SQLDMOScript_ Bindings, SQLDMOScript_ ClusteredIndexes, SQLDMOScript_ NonClusteredIndexes, SQLDMOScript_ Triggers, SQLDMOScript_ ToFileOnly, SQLDMOScript_ Permissions, SQLDMOScript_ IncludeHeaders, SQLDMOScript_ Aliases, SQLDMOScript_ IncludeIfNotExists, and SQLDMOScript_ OwnerQualify combined by using an Or logical. |
SQLDMOScript_Triggers | 16 | Generate Transact-SQL defining triggers. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_UDDTsToBaseType | 1024 | Convert specification of user-defined data types to the appropriate SQL Server base data type. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. |
SQLDMOScript_UseQuotedIdentifiers | -1 | Use quote characters to delimit identifier parts when scripting object names. |
Object Scripting Constants (SQLDMO_SCRIPT2_TYPE)