Object Scripting Constants (SQLDMO_SCRIPT2_TYPE)

Object scripting constants are used by objects and methods that generate a Transact-SQL script as part of an administrative task automated by using SQL-DMO. For example, object scripting constants are used to control the behavior of the:

Object scripting constants are used in the context established by the object or method. For more information about object scripting constant context, see the reference for the object or method.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOScript2_AgentAlertJob 2048 Generate Transact-SQL script creating SQL Server Agent jobs and alerts.
SQLDMOScript2_AgentNotify 1024 When scripting an alert, generate script creating notifications for the alert.
SQLDMOScript2_AnsiFile 2 Generated script file uses multibyte characters. Code page 1252 is used to determine character meaning.
SQLDMOScript2_AnsiPadding 1 Generate Transact-SQL SET ANSI_PADDING ON and SET ANSI_PADDDING OFF statements before and after CREATE TABLE statements in the generated script. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table.
SQLDMOScript2_Default 0 No scripting options specified.
SQLDMOScript2_EncryptPWD 128 Encrypt passwords with script. When specified, SQLDMOScript2_
UnicodeFile must be specified as well.
SQLDMOScript2_FullTextCat 2097152 Command batch includes Transact-SQL statements creating Microsoft Search full-text catalogs.
SQLDMOScript2_FullTextIndex 524288 Generated script includes statements defining Microsoft Search full-text indexing. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table. Include security identifiers for logons scripted.
SQLDMOScript2_LoginSID 8192 Include security identifiers for logins scripted.
SQLDMOScript2_MarkTriggers 32 Generated script creates replication implementing triggers as system objects. Applies only when scripting replication articles.
SQLDMOScript2_NoFG 16 Generated script does not include ‘ON <filegroup>‘ clause directing filegroup use. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table.
SQLDMOScript2_NonStop 8 If error occurs during script file generation, log error and continue. Applies when using object and collection Script method only.
SQLDMOScript2_NoWhatIfIndexes 512 Do not script hypothetical indexes used to implement the CREATE STATISTICS statement. Applies only when scripting references a SQL Server table.
SQLDMOScript2_OnlyUserTriggers 64 Generated script includes Transact-SQL creating user-defined triggers only. Applies only when scripting replication articles.
SQLDMOScript2_SeparateXPs 256 Script generation creates a second script file defining drop and create of extended stored procedures. Applies only when scripting stored procedures.
SQLDMOScript2_UnicodeFile 4 Generated script output file is a Unicode-character text file.

See Also

Object Scripting Constants (SQLDMO_SCRIPT_TYPE)


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