Full-text Service Status Constants (SQLDMO_FULLTEXTSTATUS_TYPE)

Full-text service status constants report the population state on a Microsoft Search full-text catalog. A Microsoft Search full-text catalog is an index supporting full-text query against data maintained in a Microsoft® SQL Server™ database.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOFullText_CrawlinProgress 1 Full-text index population is in progress for the referenced full-text catalog.
SQLDMOFullText_Idle 0 No action is being performed against the referenced full-text catalog.
SQLDMOFullText_Incremental 6 Incremental index population is in progress for the referenced full-text catalog.
SQLDMOFullText_Paused 2 Lack of available resource, such as disk space, has caused an interruption.
SQLDMOFullText_Recovering 4 Interrupted population on the referenced full-text catalog is resuming.
SQLDMOFullText_Shutdown 5 The referenced full-text catalog is being deleted or is otherwise not accessible.
SQLDMOFullText_Throttled 3 Microsoft Search service has paused the referenced full-text index population.
SQLDMOFullText_UpdatingIndex 7 Referenced full-text catalog is being assembled by the Microsoft Search service. Assemblage is the final step in full-text catalog population.

See Also

PopulateStatus Property


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