Table Attribute Constants (SQLDMO_TABLEATT_TYPE)

Table attribute constants describe, roughly, a Microsoft® SQL Server™ table. For example, the Attributes property of a Table object referencing a table on which a primary key is defined returns SQLDMOTabAtt_PrimaryKey. Information about the primary key, its member columns, and construction, can be determined by using the Keys collection of the Table object.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOTabAtt_Check 128 Referenced table has at least one integrity constraint
SQLDMOTabAtt_Default 2048 Referenced table has at least one DRI default defined
SQLDMOTabAtt_ForeignKey 4 Referenced table has at least one foreign key
SQLDMOTabAtt_HasConstraint 7300 Referenced table has at least one DRI constraint
SQLDMOTabAtt_Identity 1 Referenced table has a column exposing the identity property
SQLDMOTabAtt_PrimaryKey 512 Referenced table has a primary key
SQLDMOTabAtt_Published 32 Referenced table is published for replication
SQLDMOTabAtt_Referenced 8 Referenced table is referenced by at least one other table’s foreign key
SQLDMOTabAtt_ReplCheck 4096 Referenced table has at least one integrity constraint not fired when replicated data is inserted
SQLDMOTabAtt_Replica 256 At least one Subscriber has an active subscription
SQLDMOTabAtt_Replicated 64 Referenced table is actively subscribed to a Publisher
SQLDMOTabAtt_SystemObject 2 Referenced table is a SQL Server system object
SQLDMOTabAtt_Unique 1024 Referenced table has at least one UNIQUE constraint


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