Scheduling Frequency Constants (SQLDMO_FREQUENCY_TYPE)

Scheduling frequency constants specify SQL Server Agent evaluation of a scheduled job or replication task.

Constant Value Description
SQLDMOFreq_Autostart 64 Scheduled activity is launched when SQL Server Agent starts
SQLDMOFreq_Daily 4 Schedule is evaluated daily
SQLDMOFreq_Monthly 16 Schedule is evaluated monthly
SQLDMOFreq_MonthlyRelative 32 Schedule is evaluated relative to a part of a month, such as the second week
SQLDMOFreq_OneTime 1 Scheduled activity will occur once at a scheduled time or event
SQLDMOFreq_OnIdle 128 SQL Server Agent will schedule the activity for any time during which the processor is idle
SQLDMOFreq_Unknown 0 No schedule frequency, or frequency not applicable
SQLDMOFreq_Valid 255 Mask to test schedule frequency validity
SQLDMOFreq_Weekly 8 Schedule is evaluated weekly


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