These are the SQLOLEDB rowset properties.
Property ID | Description |
DBPROP_ABORTPRESERVE | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: The behavior of a rowset after an abort operation is determined by this property. VARIANT_FALSE: SQLOLEDB invalidates rowsets after an abort operaton. The rowset object’s functionality is virtually lost. It supports only IUnknown operations and the release of outstanding row and accessor handles. VARIANT_TRUE: SQLOLEDB maintains a valid rowset. |
DBPROP_ACCESSORDER | R/W: Read/write Default: DBPROPVAL_AO_RANDOM Description: Access order. Order in which columns must be accessed on the rowset. DBPROPVAL_AO_RANDOM: Column can be accessed in any order. DBPROPVAL_AO_ DBPROPVAL_AO_SEQUENTIAL: All columns must be accessed in sequential order determined by column ordinal. |
DBPROP_APPENDONLY | This rowset property is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property value generates an error. |
DBPROP_BLOCKINGSTORAGEOBJECTS | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: SQLOLEDB storage objects block the use of other rowset methods. |
R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB supports bookmarks for rowset row identification when DBPROP_BOOKMARKS or DBPROP_ LITERALBOOKMARKS is VARIANT_ TRUE. Setting either property to VARIANT_TRUE does not enable rowset positioning by bookmark. Set DBPROP_IRowsetLocate or DBPROP_IRowsetScroll to VARIANT_TRUE to create a rowset supporting rowset positioning by bookmark. SQLOLEDB uses a Microsoft® SQL Server™ cursor to support a rowset containing bookmarks. For more information, see Rowsets and SQL Server Cursors. Note: Setting these properties in conflict with other SQLOLEDB cursor-defining properties results in an error. For example, setting the DBPROP_BOOKMARKS to VARIANT_ |
DBPROP_BOOKMARKSKIPPED | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB returns DB_E_ BADBOOKMARK if the consumer indicates an invalid bookmark when positioning or searching a bookmarked rowset. |
DBPROP_BOOKMARKTYPE | R/W: Read-only Default: DBPROPVAL_BMK_NUMERIC Description: SQLOLEDB implements numeric bookmarks only. A SQLOLEDB bookmark is 32-bit unsigned integer, type DBTYPE_UI4. |
DBPROP_CACHEDEFERRED | This rowset property is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property value generates an error. |
R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB supports backward fetching and scrolling in nonsequential rowsets. SQLOLEDB creates a cursor-supported rowset when either DBPROP_ CANFETCHBACKWARDS or DBPROP_CANSCROLLBACKWARDS is VARIANT_TRUE. For more information, see Rowsets and SQL Server Cursors. |
DBPROP_CANHOLDROWS | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: By default, SQLOLEDB returns DB_E_ROWSNOTRELEASED if the consumer attempts to obtain more rows for a rowset while pending changes exist on those currently in the rowset. This behavior can be altered. Setting both DBPROP_CANHOLDROWS and DBPROP_IRowsetChange to VARIANT_TRUE implies a bookmarked rowset. If both properties are VARIANT_TRUE, the IRowsetLocate interface is available on the rowset and DBPROP_BOOKMARKS and DBPROP_LITERALBOOKMARKS are both VARIANT_TRUE. SQLOLEDB rowsets containing bookmarks are supported by SQL Server cursors. |
DBPROP_CHANGEINSERTEDROWS | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: This property can only be set to VARIANT_TRUE if the rowset is using a keyset-driven cursor. |
DBPROP_COLUMNRESTRICT | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB sets the property to VARIANT_TRUE when a column in a rowset cannot be changed by the consumer. Other columns in the rowset may be updatable and the rows themselves may be deleted. When the property is VARIANT_TRUE, the consumer examines the dwFlags member of the DBCOLUMNINFO structure to determine whether the value of an individual column can be written or not. For modifiable columns, dwFlags exhibits DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ |
DBPROP_COMMANDTIMEOUT | R/W: Read/write Default: 0 Description: By default, SQLOLEDB does not time out on the ICommand::Execute method. |
DBPROP_COMMITPRESERVE | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: The behavior of a rowset after a commit operation is determined by this property. VARIANT_TRUE: SQLOLEDB maintains a valid rowset. VARIANT_FALSE: SQLOLEDB invalidates rowsets after a commit operation. The rowset object’s functionality is virtually lost. It supports only IUnknown operations and the release of outstanding row and accessor handles. |
DBPROP_DEFERRED | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: When set to VARIANT_TRUE SQLOLEDB attempts to use a server cursor for the rowset. Text, ntext, and image columns are not returned from the server until they are accessed by the application. |
DBPROP_DELAYSTORAGEOBJECTS | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB supports immediate update mode on storage objects. Changes made to data in a sequential stream object are immediately submitted to SQL Server. Modifications are committed based on the rowset transaction mode. |
DBPROP_IAccessor DBPROP_IColumnsInfo DBPROP_IConvertType DBPROP_IRowset DBPROP_IRowsetInfo |
R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: SQLOLEDB supports these interfaces on all rowsets. |
DBPROP_IColumnsRowset | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: SQLOLEDB supports the IColumnsRowset interface. |
DBPROP_IConnectionPointContainer | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE |
DBPROP_IMultipleResults | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB supports the IMultipleResults interface. |
DBPROP_IRowsetChange DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate |
R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB supports the IRowsetChange and IRowsetUpdate interfaces. A rowset created with DBPROP_ When DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate is VARIANT_TRUE, DBPROP_IRowsetChange is also VARIANT_TRUE. The rowset exhibits delayed update mode behavior. SQLOLEDB uses a SQL Server cursor to support rowsets exposing either IRowsetChange or IRowsetUpdate. For more information, see Rowsets and SQL Server Cursors. |
DBPROP_IRowsetIdentity | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: SQLOLEDB supports the IRowsetIdentity interface. If a rowset supports this interface, any two row handles representing the same underlying row will always reflect the same data and state. Consumers can call the IRowsetIdentity:: IsSameRow method to compare two row handles to see if they refer to the same row instance. |
DBPROP_IRowsetLocate DBPROP_IRowsetScroll |
R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB can expose the IRowsetLocate and IRowsetScroll interfaces. When DBPROP_IRowsetLocate is VARIANT_TRUE, DBPROP_ When DBPROP_IRowsetScroll is VARIANT_TRUE, DBPROP_ Bookmarks are required for either interface. SQLOLEDB sets DBPROP_BOOKMARKS and DBPROP_LITERALBOOKMARKS to VARIANT_TRUE when the consumer requests either interface. SQLOLEDB uses SQL Server cursors to support IRowsetLocate and IRowsetScroll. For more information, see Rowsets and SQL Server Cursors. Setting these properties in conflict with other SQLOLEDB cursor-defining properties results in an error. For example, setting DBPROP_IRowsetScroll to VARIANT_TRUE when DBPROP_OTHERINSERT is also VARIANT_TRUE generates an error when the consumer attempts to open a rowset. |
DBPROP_IRowsetResynch | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB exposes the IRowsetResynch interface on demand. SQLOLEDB can expose the interface on any rowset. |
DBPROP_ISupportErrorInfo | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: SQLOLEDB exposes the ISupportErrorInfo interface on rowsets. |
DBPROP_ILockBytes | This interface is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property generates an error. |
DBPROP_ISequentialStream | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB exposes the ISequentialStream interface to support long, variable-length data stored in SQL Server. |
DBPROP_IStorage | This interface is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property generates an error. |
DBPROP_IStream | This interface is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property generates an error. |
DBPROP_IMMOBILEROWS | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: The property is only VARIANT_TRUE for SQL Server keyset cursors; it is VARIANT_FALSE for all other cursors. VARIANT_TRUE: The rowset will not reorder the inserted or updated rows. For IRowsetChange::InsertRow, rows will appear at the end of the rowset. For IRowsetChange::SetData, if the rowset is not ordered, then the position of the updated rows is not changed. If the rowset is ordered and IRowsetChange::SetData changes a column that is used to order the rowset, the row is not moved. Note that, if the rowset is build on a set of key columns (typically a rowset for which DBPROP_OTHERUPDATEDELETE is VARIANT_TRUE but DBPROP_OTHERINSERT is VARIANT_FALSE), changing the value of a key column is generally equivalent to deleting the current row and inserting a new one. Thus, the row may appear to move or even disappear from the rowset (if DBPROP_OWNINSERT is VARIANT_FALSE), even though the DBPROP_IMMOBILEROWS property is VARIANT_TRUE. VARIANT_FALSE: If the rowset is ordered, inserted rows appear in the rowset’s proper order. If the rowset is not ordered, the inserted row appears at the end. If IRowsetChange::SetData changes a column that is used to order the rowset, the row is moved (if the rowset is not ordered, then the position of the row is not changed). |
DBPROP_LITERALIDENTITY | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: This property is always VARIANT_TRUE. |
DBPROP_LOCKMODE | R/W: Read/write Default: DBPROPVAL_LM_NONE Description: Level of locking performed by the rowset (DBPROPVAL_LM_NONE, DBPROPVAL_LM_SINGLEROW). |
DBPROP_MAXOPENROWS | R/W: Read-only Default: 0 Description: SQLOLEDB does not limit the number of rows that can be active in rowsets. |
DBPROP_MAXPENDINGROWS | R/W: Read-only Default: 0 Description: SQLOLEDB does not limit the number of rowset rows with changes pending. |
DBPROP_MAXROWS | R/W: Read/write Default: 0 Description: By default, SQLOLEDB does not limit the number of rows in a rowset. When the consumer sets DBPROP_MAXROWS, SQLOLEDB uses the SET ROWCOUNT statement to limit the number of rows in the rowset. SET ROWCOUNT can cause unintended consequences in SQL Server statement execution. For more information, seeSET ROWCOUNT. |
DBPROP_MAYWRITECOLUMN | This rowset property is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property value generates an error. |
DBPROP_MEMORYUSAGE | This rowset property is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property value generates an error. |
DBPROP_NOTIFICATIONGRANULARITY | This rowset property is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property value generates an error. |
R/W: Read-only Default: DBPROPVAL_NP_OKTODO | DBPROPVAL_NP_ABOUTTODO Description: SQLOLEDB notification phases are cancelable prior to an attempt to perform the rowset modification indicated. SQLOLEDB does not support phase cancellation after the attempt has completed. |
DBPROP_ORDEREDBOOKMARKS | This rowset property is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property value generates an error. |
R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: Setting change visibility properties causes SQLOLEDB to use SQL Server cursors to support the rowset. For more information, see Rowsets and SQL Server Cursors. |
DBPROP_QUICKRESTART | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: When set to VARIANT_TRUE, SQLOLEDB attempts to use a server cursor for the rowset. |
DBPROP_REENTRANTEVENTS | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: SQLOLEDB rowsets are reentrant and can return DB_E_NOTREENTRANT if a consumer attempts to access a nonreentrant rowset method from a notification callback. |
DBPROP_REMOVEDELETED | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB alters the value of the property based on the visibility of changes to the SQL Server data exposed by the rowset. VARIANT_TRUE: Rows deleted by the consumer or other SQL Server users are removed from the rowset when the rowset is refreshed. DBPROP_OTHERINSERT is VARIANT_TRUE. VARIANT_FALSE: Rows deleted by the consumer or other SQL Server users are not removed from the rowset when the rowset is refreshed. The row status value for deleted SQL Server rows in the rowset is DBROWSTATUS_E_DELETED. DBPROP_OTHERINSERT is VARIANT_TRUE. This property only has value for rowsets supported by SQL Server cursors. For more information, see Rowsets and SQL Server Cursors. When the DBPROP_REMOVEDELETED property is implemented on a keyset cursor rowset, deleted rows are removed at fetch time and it is possible for row-fetching methods (such as GetNextRows and GetRowsAt) to return both S_OK and fewer rows than requested. Note that this behavior does not signify the DB_S_ENDOFROWSET condition and that the number of rows returned will never be zero if there are any remaining rows. |
DBPROP_REPORTMULTIPLECHANGES | This rowset property is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property value generates an error. |
DBPROP_RETURNPENDINGINSERTS | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: When a method that fetches rows is called, SQLOLEDB does not return pending insert rows. |
DBPROP_ROWRESTRICT | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: SQLOLEDB rowsets do not support access rights based on the row. If the IRowsetChange interface is exposed on a rowset, then the SetData method can be called by the consumer. |
DBPROP_ROWSET_ASYNCH | This rowset property is not implemented by SQLOLEDB. Attempting to read or write the property value generates an error. |
DBPROP_ROWTHREADMODEL | R/W: Read-only Default: DBPROPVAL_RT_FREETHREAD Description: SQLOLEDB supports access to its objects from multiple execution threads of a single consumer. |
DBPROP_SERVERCURSOR | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: When set, a SQL Server cursor is used to support the rowset. For more information, see Rowsets and SQL Server Cursors. |
DBPROP_SERVERDATAONINSERT | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: Server data on insert. VARIANT_TRUE: At the time an insert is transmitted to the server, the provider retrieves data from the server to update the local row cache. VARIANT_FALSE: The provider does not retrieve server values for newly inserted rows. |
DBPROP_STRONGIDENTITY | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: Strong row identity. If inserts are allowed on a rowset (either IRowsetChange or IRowsetUpdate is true), and DBPROP_UPDATABILITY is set to support InsertRows, then the value of DBPROP_STRONGIDENTITY depends on DBPROP_CHANGEINSERTEDROWS property (will be VARIANT_FALSE if DBPROP_CHANGEINSERTEDROWS property value is VARIANT_FALSE). |
DBPROP_TRANSACTEDOBJECT | R/W: Read-only Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: SQLOLEDB supports only transacted objects. For more information, see Transactions. |
DBPROP_UNIQUEROWS | R/W: Read/write Default: VARIANT_FALSE Description: Unique rows. VARIANT_TRUE: Each row is uniquely identified by its column values. The set of columns which uniquely identify the row have the DBCOLUMNFLAGS_KEYCOLUMN set in the DBCOLUMNINFO structure returned from the GetColumnInfo method. VARIANT_FALSE: Rows may or may not be uniquely identified by their column values. The key columns may or may not be flagged with DBCOLUMNFLAGS_KEYCOLUMN. |
DBPROP_UPDATABILITY | R/W: Read/write Default: 0 Description: SQLOLEDB supports all DBPROP_UPDATABILITY values. Setting DBPROP_UPDATABILITY does not create a modifiable rowset. To make a rowset modifiable, set DBPROP_IRowsetChange or DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate. |
SQLOLEDB defines the provider-specific property set DBPROPSET_
Property ID | Description |
SSPROP_MAXBLOBLENGTH | Column: No R/W: Read/write Type: VT_I4 Default: 0 Description: SQLOLEDB executes a SET TEXTSIZE statement to restrict the length of BLOB data returned in a SELECT statement. |