SQLOLEDB Example: Retrieving Error Information

This example obtains information from the various error interfaces exposed by SQLOLEDB.

// DumpErrorInfo queries SQLOLEDB error interfaces, retrieving available

// status or error information.

void DumpErrorInfo


    IUnknown* pObjectWithError,

    REFIID IID_InterfaceWithError




    // Interfaces used in the example.

    IErrorInfo*             pIErrorInfoAll          = NULL;

    IErrorInfo*             pIErrorInfoRecord       = NULL;

    IErrorRecords*          pIErrorRecords          = NULL;

    ISupportErrorInfo*      pISupportErrorInfo      = NULL;

    ISQLErrorInfo*          pISQLErrorInfo          = NULL;

    ISQLServerErrorInfo*    pISQLServerErrorInfo    = NULL;


    // Number of error records.

    ULONG                   nRecs;

    ULONG                   nRec;


    // Basic error information from GetBasicErrorInfo.

    ERRORINFO               errorinfo;


    // IErrorInfo values.

    BSTR                    bstrDescription;

    BSTR                    bstrSource;


    // ISQLErrorInfo parameters.

    BSTR                    bstrSQLSTATE;

    LONG                    lNativeError;


    // ISQLServerErrorInfo parameter pointers.

    SSERRORINFO*            pSSErrorInfo = NULL;

    OLECHAR*                pSSErrorStrings = NULL;


    // Hard-code an American English locale for the example.

    DWORD                   MYLOCALEID = 0x0409;


    // Only ask for error information if the interface supports

    // it.

    if (FAILED(pObjectWithError->QueryInterface(IID_ISupportErrorInfo,

        (void**) &pISupportErrorInfo)))


        wprintf(L"SupportErrorErrorInfo interface not supported");



    if (FAILED(pISupportErrorInfo->



        wprintf(L"InterfaceWithError interface not supported");




    // Do not test the return of GetErrorInfo. It can succeed and return

    // a NULL pointer in pIErrorInfoAll. Simply test the pointer.

    GetErrorInfo(0, &pIErrorInfoAll);


    if (pIErrorInfoAll != NULL)


        // Test to see if it's a valid OLE DB IErrorInfo interface

        // exposing a list of records.

        if (SUCCEEDED(pIErrorInfoAll->QueryInterface(IID_IErrorRecords,

            (void**) &pIErrorRecords)))




            // Within each record, retrieve information from each

            // of the defined interfaces.

            for (nRec = 0; nRec < nRecs; nRec++)


                // From IErrorRecords, get the HRESULT and a reference

                // to the ISQLErrorInfo interface.

                pIErrorRecords->GetBasicErrorInfo(nRec, &errorinfo);


                    IID_ISQLErrorInfo, (IUnknown**) &pISQLErrorInfo);


                // Display the HRESULT, then use the ISQLErrorInfo.

                wprintf(L"HRESULT:\t%#X\n", errorinfo.hrError);


                if (pISQLErrorInfo != NULL)





                    // Display the SQLSTATE and native error values.

                    wprintf(L"SQLSTATE:\t%s\nNative Error:\t%ld\n",

                        bstrSQLSTATE, lNativeError);


                    // SysFree BSTR references.



                    // Get the ISQLServerErrorInfo interface from

                    // ISQLErrorInfo before releasing the reference.



                        (void**) &pISQLServerErrorInfo);





                // Test to ensure the reference is valid, then

                // get error information from ISQLServerErrorInfo.

                if (pISQLServerErrorInfo != NULL)





                    // ISQLServerErrorInfo::GetErrorInfo succeeds

                    // even when it has nothing to return. Test the

                    // pointers before using.

                    if (pSSErrorInfo)


                        // Display the state and severity from the

                        // returned information. The error message comes

                        // from IErrorInfo::GetDescription.

                        wprintf(L"Error state:\t%d\nSeverity:\t%d\n",




                        // IMalloc::Free needed to release references

                        // on returned values. For the example, assume

                        // the g_pIMalloc pointer is valid.








                if (SUCCEEDED(pIErrorRecords->GetErrorInfo(nRec,

                    MYLOCALEID, &pIErrorInfoRecord)))


                    // Get the source and description (error message)

                    // from the record's IErrorInfo.




                    if (bstrSource != NULL)


                        wprintf(L"Source:\t\t%s\n", bstrSource);



                    if (bstrDescription != NULL)


                        wprintf(L"Error message:\t%s\n",













            // IErrorInfo is valid; get the source and

            // description to see what it is.




            if (bstrSource != NULL)


                wprintf(L"Source:\t\t%s\n", bstrSource);



            if (bstrDescription != NULL)


                wprintf(L"Error message:\t%s\n", bstrDescription);









        wprintf(L"GetErrorInfo failed.");









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