Programmer’s Reference - Add-in Programs

The OLAP Add-In Manager library contains the classes, objects, methods, properties, enumerations, and collections you can use in your program.

Caution It is important that your program use only those elements of the OLAP Add-In Manager library that are documented in this section. The use of undocumented library elements that may be exposed in the Object Browser can cause indeterminate results and possible loss of data.

Your custom add-in program is called by the OLAP Add-In Manager as it displays the objects in the user interface and in response to user activity. Your program must implement the required IOlapAddIn interface as specified in this section, or the OLAP Manager may fail to operate as designed.

To create a custom add-in program, add the OLAP Add-In Manager to the available references for your Microsoft® Visual Basic® project. For more information, see Creating a Visual Basic Project.

OLAP Add-In Manager Library Elements

Element Description
IOlapAddIn Interface Interface to be implemented by the custom add-in program.
Enumerations Enumerations used with add-in programs.
OlapMenuItem Class for menu item objects.
OlapMenuItems Collection of OlapMenuItem objects.
OlapTreeNode Class for tree node objects.
OlapTreeNodes Collection of OlapTreeNode objects.

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