The OLAP Add-In Manager calls the ProvideHTML method of the IOlapAddin interface to request that the add-in program provide the URL for the HTML pane when the user has selected a new node in the tree view. The CurrentURL variable initially contains the URL for the HTML file that is currently displayed. If there is no need to display a different HTML file, the method can exit. Otherwise, set the CurrentURL parameter to the URL for the OLAP Add-In Manager to display.
ProvideHTML(CurrentNode As OlapTreeNode, CurrentURL As String)
Private Sub IOlapAddIn_ProvideHTML(CurrentNode As DSSAddInsManager.OlapTreeNode, CurrentURL As String)
On Error GoTo IOlapAddIn_ProvideHTML_Err
'Check to see whether the provided node is owned by another add-in
If CurrentNode.OwnerAddInName <> ThisAddInName Then
'Work with node owned by another add-in
Exit Sub
End If
'This add-in owns the node
'Assume that the files form1.htm and form2.htm exist
If CurrentNode.Caption = "Sample Forms" Then
CurrentURL = App.Path & "\form1.htm"
CurrentURL = App.Path & "\form2.htm"
End If
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source
Debug.Assert False
MsgBox "ProvideHTML method failed."
Exit Sub
End Sub