The Caption property of an OlapMenuItem object contains the caption exposed in the menu for the node in the tree view.
'Custom add-in
Private Enum MenuActions
End Enum
Private Sub IOlapAddIn_ProvideMenuItems( _
CurrentNode Ad DSSAddInsManager.OlapTreeNode, _
MenuItems As DSSAddInsManager.OlapMenuItems)
On Error Exit Function 'Handle errors
'MenuItems is a collection for MenuItem objects
'Some more code...
'Menu item 'Form' is added as a child of the standard 'New' menu item
MenuItems.Add mnuStandard, "&Form", mnuActAddNewForm,,mnuflagNew
End Sub
Private Function IOlapAddIn_ExecuteMenuItem( _
CurrentNode As DSSAddInsManager.IOlapTreeNode, _
MenuItem As DSSAddInsManager.IOlapmenuItem) _
As DSSAddInsManager.RefreshTreeTypes
On Error GoTo ExecuteMenuItem_Err 'Handle errors
'some code
If MenuItem.Caption = "Form" Then
'code to handle New/Form menu selection
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox "ExecuteMenuItem Failed"
End Function