
The HelpContextId property of an OlapMenuItem contains the Help context ID number associated with the item.

Data Type

This property returns or sets an associated context ID number for an object. It is used to provide context-sensitive Help for your application. You must provide the Help file, and identify it using the HelpFileName property. For more information about the HelpContextID property, see the Microsoft® Visual Basic® documentation.


Private Enum MenuActions





End Enum

Private Sub IOlapAddIn_ProvideMenuItems(CurrentNode _

    As DSSAddInsManager.OlapTreeNode, MenuItems _

    As DSSAddInsManager.OlapMenuItems)

  On Error GoTo ProvideMenuItems_Err 'Handle errors

  If CurrentNode.Caption = "Node 1" Then

    'Enable default New menu item and add child menu items

    MenuItems.Add mnuStandard, "&Top", mnuActTop, , mnuflagNew

    MenuItems.Add mnuStandard, "&Mid", mnuActMid, , mnuflagNew

    MenuItems.Add mnuStandard, "&Btm", mnuActBtm, , mnuflagNew

    'Add regular menu item to root menu

    MenuItems.Add mnuStandard, "&Special", mnuActSpc, , _


    MenuItems.HelpContextID = 100

  End If

  Exit Sub


  MsgBox "ProvideIcon failed"


End Function

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