Registering a Custom Add-in Program

Add-in programs are registered in the following Microsoft® Windows NT® registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OLAP Server\Olap Manager Info\Addins

Each custom add-in program contains a string value entry in the above registry key and its own key in the registry as well. The string value in the Addins key and the Addins key itself must have the same name.

Caution The registry keys DSOInfo and MoveRepository are default keys created during the installation process of Microsoft SQL Server™ OLAP Services and should not be modified or deleted. Doing so will have adverse affects on the intended operation of the OLAP Manager and may result in the loss of data.

Creating an Addins Key and Key Values

First, start the Windows NT Registry Editor and navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OLAP Server\Olap Manager Info\Addins location.

Second, create a new String Value entry for the Addins key named OlapSampleAddIn. Set this new entry’s value to True. This instructs the OLAP Add-In Manager to automatically load the add-in program when Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is started. Leaving this value blank or setting it False will prevent the add-in program from loading.

Third, create a new registry key for the OlapSampleAddIn string value. This new key must have the same name, that is, OlapSampleAddIn. You should now have a string value in the Addins key and a new registry key with the same name.

Fourth, select the new OlapSampleAddIn key and add four new string values to this key. They are listed in the following table.

Key String Value Description
ClassName The project and the exposed interface class.
Name The name displayed on the Add-ins tab of the Properties dialog box in the OLAP Manager.
Description The description displayed on the Add-ins tab of the Properties dialog box in the OLAP Manager.
Priority The loading priority that the OLAP Add-In Manager uses to load add-in programs.

The values for each key string are listed in the following table.

Key String Value Setting
ClassName OlapSampleAddIn.MyAddIn
Name Sample AddIn
Description Sample OLAP Manager AddIn
Priority 2

Note If you are providing custom add-in programs to others, you will need to provide an installation procedure that describes or automatically creates the required registry entries before your add-in program will function.

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