Responding to Menu Item Selection

The following exercise adds code to respond to user selection of the menu items added in the previous exercise.

Add the following method to the MyAddIn class:

Private Function IsNameUsed(szName As String, _

    col As Collection) As Boolean

  On Error GoTo IsNameUsed_Err

  Dim vTmp As Variant

  Set vTmp = col(szName)

  IsNameUsed = True

  Exit Function


  IsNameUsed = False


  Exit Function

End Function

Add the following code to the IOlapAddIn_ExecuteMenuItems method:

Private Function IOlapAddIn_ExecuteMenuItem( _

    CurrentNode As DSSAddInsManager.OlapTreeNode, _

    MenuItem As DSSAddInsManager.OlapMenuItem) _

    As DSSAddInsManager.RefreshTreeTypes

  On Error GoTo IOlapAddIn_ExecuteMenuItem_Err

  Dim frmSample As SampleForm

  Dim szFormCaption As String

  Dim szNodeCaption As String

  Dim iFormIndex As Integer


  szNodeCaption = CurrentNode.Caption


  Select Case MenuItem.Key

    Case mnuactRename

      Dim szName As String

      Dim tmpForm As SampleForm

      Set tmpForm = m_SampleForms(szNodeCaption)


      m_SampleForms.Remove szNodeCaption



        szName = InputBox("Please enter the new name:", _

            "Rename a Form", szNodeCaption)

        If Len(szName) = 0 Then

          MsgBox _

              "The name must not be a zero length string", _

              vbExclamation, "Invalid Name"


          Exit Do

        End If



      tmpForm.Caption = szName


      If tmpForm.Index <= m_SampleForms.Count Then

        m_SampleForms.Add tmpForm, szName, tmpForm.Index


        'This is the only item in the list

        'or it was at the end of the list.

        'No need to specify a before value

        m_SampleForms.Add tmpForm, szName

      End If


      'Manually tell OLAP Add-In Manager to refresh the tree

      IOlapAddIn_ExecuteMenuItem = reftreeCurrentAndBelow


    Case mnuactShowTop

      Set frmSample = m_SampleForms(szNodeCaption)

      frmSample.Move (Screen.Width - frmSample.Width) / 2, 0

      frmSample.Show vbModal


    Case mnuactShowCenter

      Set frmSample = m_SampleForms(szNodeCaption)

      frmSample.Move (Screen.Width - frmSample.Width) / 2, _

          (Screen.Height - frmSample.Height) / 2

      frmSample.Show vbModal


    Case mnuactShowBottom

      Set frmSample = m_SampleForms(szNodeCaption)

      frmSample.Move (Screen.Width - frmSample.Width) / 2, _

          Screen.Height - frmSample.Height

      frmSample.Show vbModal


    Case mnuactAddNewForm

      Set frmSample = New SampleForm

      iFormIndex = m_SampleForms.Count



        iFormIndex = iFormIndex + 1

        szFormCaption = "Sample Form " & iFormIndex

      Loop While IsNameUsed(szFormCaption, m_SampleForms)


      frmSample.Caption = szFormCaption

      frmSample.Index = iFormIndex


      m_SampleForms.Add frmSample, szFormCaption


      Set frmSample = Nothing


      'Tell OLAP Add-In Manager to refresh the tree

      IOlapAddIn_ExecuteMenuItem = reftreeCurrentAndBelow


    Case mnuactDeleteSampleForm

      m_SampleForms.Remove szNodeCaption


    Case mnuactRefreshList

      IOlapAddIn_ExecuteMenuItem = reftreeCurrentAndBelow


  End Select

  Exit Function


  Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source

  Debug.Assert False

  MsgBox "Execute Menu Item Failed"


  Exit Function

End Function

Run the application.

With the Microsoft® Visual Basic® project executing, start the OLAP Manager, and then browse the tree view. Right-click one of the new tree nodes, and then click a menu item.

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