Setup Parameters and Silent Installation

The Setup program (\MSOLAP\Install\setup.exe) can be launched with the following optional command line parameters:

-r causes Setup.exe to automatically generate a silent response file (.iss), which is a record of the installation input, in the default Microsoft® Windows® folder.

-s performs a silent (unattended) installation.

-f1<path\ResponseFile> The alternate location and name of the response file (.iss file) can be specified using this option. If the -f1 switch is not used when you run silent installation, Setup looks for the response file Setup.iss in the same folder as Setup.exe.

-f2<path\LogFile> The alternate location and name of the log file can be specified by using this option. By default, the Setup.log log file is created and stored in the same folder as that of Setup.exe.

If you use the -r option you can create a record of any desired installation scenario. You can use this record to perform a silent installation. For example, the command

Setup.exe -s -f1C:\temp\setup.iss

initiates a silent (unattended) installation of the components specified in the setup.iss response file previously recorded when you used the -r option.

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