The OLAP Manager Tree View

The OLAP Manager is represented as a folder named OLAP servers located immediately beneath the Console Root folder. This topic describes the OLAP Manager hierarchy and the location of its components, which make up the OLAP Manager tree view.

OLAP Servers

The OLAP servers folder contains a node for each OLAP server registered to Microsoft® SQL Server™ OLAP Services. The node name is the same as the server name.


Each OLAP server contains one or more databases. Each database is represented as a node beneath the server node.

Beneath the database node is a Cubes folder for the cubes in the database. Each cube node within that folder contains the elements that define the cube, including its data source, dimensions, measures, partitions, and roles. Most of these elements are in folders.

The database also contains a Virtual Cubes folder for the virtual cubes defined in the database. Each virtual cube node within that folder contains folders for the elements that define the virtual cube: measures, dimensions, and roles.

Each database also contains a Library folder that contains folders for data sources, shared dimensions, virtual dimensions, and roles. These items are defined at the database level and shared within the database.


Beneath each database node is a Cubes folder for the cubes in the database. Each cube name is represented by an icon, beneath which is a set of folders containing all of the information that defines the cube. Along with a data source node, there are separate folders for dimensions, measures, partitions, and roles.

Data source

The first node under each cube indicates the cube’s data source. The data source maintains OLE DB provider information, server connection information, network settings, connection time-out, and access permissions.


The cube’s Dimensions folder contains a node for each dimension in the cube. Dimensions can be private, shared, or virtual. Private dimensions contained in this folder are available only for the specific cube that contains it. Shared dimensions are available to any cube in the database and also appear in the Shared Dimensions folder in the Library folder of the database. Virtual dimensions are available to any cube in the database and also appear in the Virtual Dimensions folder in the Library folder of the database.


Each of a cube’s dimensions contains a node for each of its levels. The first level’s node is depicted by a single dot, the second by two dots, and so on.


The cube’s Measures folder contains a node for each measure in the cube.


The cube’s Partitions folder contains a node for each partition in the cube.


The cube’s Roles folder contains a node for each group of users permitted to access the cube.

Virtual Cubes

Each database contains a Virtual Cubes folder for the virtual cubes in the database.

A virtual cube is a combination of two or more cubes in the database. Beneath each virtual cube node is a set of folders containing all of the information that defines the virtual cube. There are folders for the virtual cube’s measures, dimensions, and roles.


The virtual cube’s Measures folder contains a node for each measure used in the virtual cube.


The virtual cube’s Dimensions folder contains a node for each dimension used in the virtual cube.


Each of a virtual cube’s dimensions contains a node for each of its levels. The first level’s node is depicted by a single dot, the second by two dots, and so on.


The virtual cube’s Roles folder contains a node for each group of users permitted to access the virtual cube.


Each database contains a Library folder. This folder contains folders for data sources, shared dimensions, virtual dimensions, and roles.

Data Sources

A data source maintains OLE DB provider information, server connection information, network settings, connection time-out, and access permissions. A database can contain multiple data sources in its Data Sources folder.

Shared Dimensions

The Shared Dimensions folder contains a node for each shared dimension in the database. The dimensions contained in this folder can be included in any cube in the database.


Each shared dimension contains a node for each of its levels. The first level’s node is depicted by a single dot, the second by two dots, and so on.

Virtual Dimensions

The Virtual Dimensions folder contains a node for each virtual dimension in the database. The dimensions contained in this folder can be included in any cube in the database.



Each virtual dimension contains a node for its level. The level’s node is depicted by a single dot. A virtual dimension can have only one level.


The Roles folder contains a node for each group of cube users defined at the database level. Roles in this folder can be assigned to any cube in the database.

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