Specifications and Limits

Supported Relational Database Products

Microsoft® SQL Server™ versions 6.5 and 7.0

Microsoft Access 97 and later

Oracle versions 7.3 and 8.0


Item Specification
Dimensions in a database 65,535 maximum, regardless of the number of cubes or whether dimensions are shared or private.
Levels in a database 65,535 maximum.
Cubes in a virtual cube 32 maximum.
Measures in a cube 127 maximum.
Dimensions in a cube 63 maximum.
Levels in a cube 128 maximum.
Levels in a dimension 64 maximum.
Members in a virtual dimension 760 maximum.
Members in a parent 64,000 maximum.
Calculated members (server defined) in a cube 65,535 maximum.
Calculated members in a parent measure in session context 32,700 maximum.
Calculated members in a parent measure in query context 32,700 maximum.
Calculated members in a parent dimension member in session context 760 maximum.
Calculated members in a parent dimension member in query context 760 maximum.
Aggregations per partition 65,535 maximum.
Cells returned by a query 2^31-1 = 2,147,483,647 cells maximum.

Although cubes can be larger than this limit, a query that requests more than 2^31-1 cells from a cube will fail.

Record size for source database table 64 kilobytes (KB) maximum.
Length of object name (except dimension name) 50 characters maximum when using the OLAP Manager.

24 characters maximum when using PivotTable® Service.

Length of dimension name 24 characters maximum.
Length of aggregation prefix 22 characters maximum.

Note “Character” in this documentation refers to a UNICODE character.

Source Column Data Types

The data type of the source column for a measure must be numeric except when the COUNT function is used.

The data type of the source column for a dimension level must be string or numeric (except currency).

OLE DB Data Types

Columns of the following OLE DB data types may be used as measures or dimension levels.

Columns of the following OLE DB data types may be used as measures only if the COUNT function is used. These data types may be used as dimension levels.

External Limitations

Limitations imposed by other technologies, such as the RDBMS being used, may limit some features of Microsoft SQL Server OLAP Services. For example, when merging two partitions containing a large number (> 100) of aggregations, you may receive an error message indicating that the maximum number of ODBC Access 97 File Sharing lock counts has been exceeded. This number is controlled by the Access 97 MaxLocksPerFile registry entry, not by any configuration parameter in OLAP Services.

Other such external limitations may apply as well.

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