How to create an Active Script job step (Enterprise Manager)

To create an Active Script job step

  1. Create a job.
  2. In the New Job Step dialog box, on the General tab, in Step name, enter a job step name. The maximum number of characters is 128.
  3. In the Type list, click Active Script.
  4. In Language, click a scripting language, or click Other, and then enter the name of the Active Scripting language in which that the command will be written.
  5. In the Command box, enter the source for the job step.
  6. Click Parse to check your syntax.

    The message “Parse succeeded” is displayed when your syntax is correct. If an error is found, correct the syntax before continuing.

Note There are some instances in which the “Parse succeeded” message is displayed, but the command does not run successfully. To determine if the command will run successfully, run the command in an ActiveXScript authoring environment such as Microsoft® Visual Basic®.

See Also

How to create a job


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