Returns information about a column or procedure parameter.
COLUMNPROPERTY(id, column, property)
Value | Description | Value returned |
AllowsNull | Allows null values. | 1 = True 0 = False NULL = Invalid input |
IsComputed | The column is a computed column. | 1 = True 0 = False NULL = Invalid input |
IsCursorType | The procedure parameter is of type CURSOR. | 1 = True 0 = False NULL = Invalid input |
IsFulltextIndexed | The column has been registered for Full-Text indexing. | 1 = True 0 = False NULL = Invalid input |
IsIdentity | The column uses the IDENTITY property. | 1 = True 0 = False NULL = Invalid input |
IsIdNotForRepl | The column checks for the IDENTITY_INSERT setting. If IDENTITY NOT FOR REPLICATION is specified, the IDENTITY_INSERT setting is not checked. | 1 = True 0 = False NULL = Invalid input |
IsOutParam | The procedure parameter is an output parameter. | 1 = True 0 = False NULL = Invalid input |
IsRowGuidCol | The column has the uniqueidentifier data type and is defined with the ROWGUIDCOL property. | 1 = True 0 = False NULL = Invalid input |
Precision | Precision for the data type of the column or parameter. | The precision of the specified column data type.
NULL = Invalid input |
Scale | Scale for the data type of the column or parameter. | The scale
NULL = Invalid input |
UsesAnsiTrim | ANSI padding setting was ON when the table was initially created. | 1= True 0= False NULL = Invalid input |
This example returns the length of the au_lname column.
OBJECTPROPERTY | Metadata Functions |