
An object of ClassType clsAggregation provides a specific implementation of the Decision Support Objects (DSO) MDStore interface. Each instance of a clsAggregation object is used to maintain a unique DSO aggregation data store. This object provides collections, methods, and properties through the MDStore interface.


An aggregation object may contain members that store, for example, total sales volume, by store location, by day. Another aggregation object in the same cube may store total sales volume, by store location, by week. This object aggregates the same measure (sales volume) across the same dimension (store location) but at a different level (week).

For more information about the object model hierarchy, see About Decision Support Objects and Interfaces.


Use the following code to list the aggregations contained within a partition.

'Assume an object (dsoServer) of ClassType clsServer exists

    Dim dsoDB As MDStore

    Dim dsoCube As MDStore

    Dim dsoPart As MDStore

    Dim dsoAgg As MDStore


    Set dsoDB = dsoServer.MDStores(1)   'Database

    Set dsoCube = dsoDB.MDStores(1)     'Cube

    Set dsoPart = dsoCube.MDStores(1)   'Partition


    'MDStores collection of a partition object

    'contains objects of ClassType clsAggregation

    Debug.Print " # Aggregations = " & dsoPart.MDStores.Count

See Also
Using Decision Support Objects MDStore Interface

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