Examples, clsDatasource

The following example demonstrates how to connect to an OLAP server and create a new database, attach a data source, and add a shared dimension and level using the sample FoodMart data provided. After building and running the example code, you should be able to view the new database using the OLAP Manager.

Option Explicit

Public dsoServer As DSO.Server

Const strConnect = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=FoodMart;Connect Timeout=15"

'Note: Add command control to form to enable

'      the cmdCreateDatabase_Click method

Private Sub cmdCreateDatabase_Click()

    On Error GoTo CreateDatabase_Err


    Dim dsoDB As DSO.MDStore

    Dim dsoDS As DSO.Datasource


    'Create Database and add connection string

    Set dsoDB = dsoServer.MDStores.AddNew("MyDatabase")

    Set dsoDS = dsoDB.Datasources.AddNew("NewSales")

    dsoDS.ConnectionString = strConnect



    'Create Dimension and set Datasource

    Dim dsoDim As DSO.Dimension

    Set dsoDim = dsoDB.Dimensions.AddNew("Products")

    Set dsoDim.Datasource = dsoDS

    dsoDim.FromClause = "product"

    dsoDim.JoinClause = ""


    'Add Levels

    Dim dsoLev As DSO.Level

    Set dsoLev = dsoDim.Levels.AddNew("Product Id")

    'Point to table and column

    dsoLev.MemberKeyColumn = """product_class"".""product_family"""

    dsoLev.ColumnSize = 4               'Width of column in bytes

    dsoLev.ColumnType = adInteger   'ADODB Data Type




    Debug.Print "<<success>>"


    Exit Sub


    Debug.Print "Error creating new Database"

    Debug.Print Err.Description


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

    On Error GoTo FormLoad_Err


    'Connect to OLAP Server

    Set dsoServer = New DSO.Server

    'MyServer is the name of the OLAP server

    dsoServer.Connect ("MyServer")

    Debug.Print ("Connected")

    Exit Sub



    Debug.Print ("Error connecting to server")

    Debug.Print Err.Description


End Sub

Example Connection Strings

Connection string examples are also provided for the following data source providers.


  ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;" & _

  "Persist Security Info=False;" & _

  "Data Source=C:\Program Files\OLAP Services\Samples\FoodMart.mdb"


  ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _

  "Persist Security Info=False;" & _

  "Data Source=C:\Program Files\OLAP Services\Samples\FoodMart.mdb;" & _


OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (Access)

  ConnectionString="Provider=MSDASQL.1;" & _

  "Persist Security Info=False;" & _

  "Data Source=FoodMart;" & _

  "Connect Timeout=15"

SQL Server

  ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _

  "Persist Security Info=False;" & _

  "User ID=sa;" & _

  "Initial Catalog=FoodMart;" & _

  "Data Source={SQL Server};" & _

  "Connect Timeout=15"

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