Introducing PivotTable Service

PivotTable® Service, which is included with Microsoft® SQL Server™ OLAP Services version 7.0, is an OLE DB provider that supports the optional OLE DB OLAP extensions. It functions as a connection interface with cache management functionality to OLAP Services to support client application access to OLAP data.

PivotTable Service is also an in-process desktop OLAP server designed to provide offline data analysis, cube building, and functionality to manipulate data. PivotTable Service stores data locally on the client for offline analysis and offers connectivity to the multidimensional data managed by OLAP Services, other OLE DB-compliant providers, and to non-OLAP relational data sources.

PivotTable Service supports OLE DB multidimensional expressions (MDX) as its native consumer interface, and a subset of SQL. PivotTable Service also extends the language defined in OLE DB by adding data definition language (DDL) statements to define the structure of local multidimensional data cubes.

Your applications that use PivotTable Service to communicate with the OLAP server or to manage local cubes can use OLE DB interfaces for C++ or the Microsoft ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) and ActiveX Data Objects (Multidimensional) with any Component Object Model (COM) automation language, including Microsoft Visual Basic®.

You can use PivotTable Service with OLE DB-compliant data sources or ODBC-compliant data sources. PivotTable Service supports the following relational database products:

For more information, see PivotTable Service.

See Also
Introducing Decision Support Objects Introducing Add-in Programs

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