The DB-Library for C sample program files are stored as projects in their own directories. The following DB-Library sample projects are targeted to specific client operating systems: Microsoft® Windows NT®, and Microsoft Windows® 95 for Intel® and Alpha AXP platforms; Microsoft Windows and Microsoft MS-DOS® for Intel. Each of these samples has an associated nmake utility makefile.
When the Microsoft SQL Server™ sample files are installed, the sample sources are installed to subdirectories of:
Sources for Windows NT and Windows 95/98 for the Intel platform include Microsoft Visual C++® 4.0 workspace files (.mdp). Double-click the workspace file to load the workspace and makefile into the Developer Studio environment.
Each project also contains cross-platform native Visual C++ 4.0 makefiles (.mak). For each 32-bit project, the .mak file contains Intel and Alpha build information. When the project is loaded into Developer Studio, pick the appropriate target, for example Example1 - Win32 (ALPHA) Debug, and build it.
C header files for the DB Library samples are located in the subdirectory:
Library files are found at:
If you are building from the command prompt, ensure that you use the appropriate NMAKE options to indicate paths to the include and library directories, or that you have added the paths to your environment settings.
For compilers that use a graphical build environment, see your compiler documentation for adding the paths to the build settings of your project.