Function List

Return to: Calculated Member Builder

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UK 1900 1700
London 250 300
France 2500 2500
Paris 365 250
Nice 27 100
USA 5000 6500
NYC 900 1100
Buffalo 300 200
California 2000 3500
LA 500 900


Function Syntax Description
SetToArray SetToArray(«Set»[, «Set»]...[, «Numeric Expression»]) Converts one or more sets to an array for use in a user-defined function.


Function Syntax Description
Dimension «Hierarchy».Dimension Returns the dimension that contains a specified hierarchy.
Dimension «Level».Dimension Returns the dimension that contains a specified level.
Dimension «Member».Dimension Returns the dimension that contains a specified member.
Dimensions Dimensions(«Numeric Expression») Returns the dimension whose zero-based position within the cube is specified by a numeric expression.
Dimensions Dimensions(«String Expression») Returns the dimension whose name is specified by a string.


Function Syntax Description
Hierarchy «Level».Hierarchy Returns a level's hierarchy.
Hierarchy «Member».Hierarchy Returns a member's hierarchy.


Function Syntax Description
Level «Member».Level Returns a member's level.
Levels «Dimension».Levels
(«Numeric Expression»)
Returns the level whose position in a dimension is specified by a numeric expression.
Levels Levels(«String Expression») Returns the level whose name is specified by a string expression.


Function Syntax Description
IsEmpty IsEmpty(«Value Expression») Determines if an expression evaluates to the empty cell value.


Function Syntax Description
Ancestor Ancestor(«Member», «Level») Returns the ancestor of a member at a specified level.
ClosingPeriod ClosingPeriod([«Level»[, «Member»]]) Returns the last sibling among the descendants of a member at a level.
Cousin Cousin(«Member1», «Member2») Returns the member with the same relative position under a member as the member specified.
Returns the current member along a dimension during an iteration.
Returns the default member of a dimension.
FirstChild «Member».FirstChild Returns the first child of a member.
FirstSibling «Member».FirstSibling Returns the first child of the parent of a member.
Item «Tuple».Item(«Numeric Expression») Returns a member from a tuple.
Lag «Member».Lag(«Numeric
Returns a member prior to the specified member along the member's dimension.
LastChild «Member».LastChild Returns the last child of a member.
LastSibling «Member».LastSibling Returns the last child of the parent of a member.
Lead «Member».Lead(«Numeric Expression») Returns a member further along the specified member's dimension.
Members Members(«String Expression») Returns the member whose name is specified by a string expression.
NextMember «Member».NextMember Returns the next member in the level that contains a specified member.
OpeningPeriod OpeningPeriod([«Level»[, «Member»]]) Returns the first sibling among the descendants of a member at a level.
ParallelPeriod ParallelPeriod([«Level»[, «Numeric Expression»[, «Member»]]]) Returns a member from a prior period in the same relative position as a specified member.
Parent «Member».Parent Returns the parent of a member.
PrevMember «Member».PrevMember Returns the previous member in the level that contains a specified member.
ValidMeasure ValidMeasure(«Tuple») Returns a valid measure in a virtual cube by forcing inapplicable dimensions to their top level.


Function Syntax Description
Aggregate Aggregate(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns a calculated value using the appropriate aggregate function, based on the context of the query.
Avg Avg(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the average value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
CoalesceEmpty CoalesceEmpty(«Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]...) Coalesces an empty cell value to a number.
Correlation Correlation(«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the correlation of two series evaluated over a set.
Count Count(«Set»[, EXCLUDEEMPTY | INCLUDEEMPTY]) Returns the number of tuples in a set, empty cells included unless the optional EXCLUDEEMPTY flag is used.
Covariance Covariance(«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the covariance of two series evaluated over a set (biased).
CovarianceN CovarianceN(«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the covariance of two series evaluated over a set (unbiased).
IIf IIf(«Logical Expression», «Numeric Expression1», «Numeric Expression2») Returns one of two numeric values determined by a logical test.
LinRegIntercept LinRegIntercept(«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of b in the regression line y = ax + b.
LinRegPoint LinRegPoint(«Numeric Expression», «Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of y in the regression line y = ax + b.
LinRegR2 LinRegR2(«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns R2 (the coefficient of determination).
LinRegSlope LinRegSlope(«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the value of a in the regression line y = ax + b.
LinRegVariance LinRegVariance(«Set», «Numeric Expression»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Calculates the linear regression of a set and returns the variance associated with the regression line y = ax + b.
Max Max(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the maximum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
Median Median(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the median value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
Min Min(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the minimum value of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
Ordinal «Level».Ordinal Returns the zero-based ordinal value associated with a level.
Rank Rank(«Tuple», «Set») Returns the one-based rank of a tuple in a set.
Stddev Stddev(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Alias for Stdev.
StddevP StddevP(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Alias for StdevP.
Stdev Stdev(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set (unbiased).
StdevP StdevP(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set (biased).
Sum Sum(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the sum of a numeric expression evaluated over a set.
Value «Measure».Value Returns the value of a measure.
Var Var(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set (unbiased).
Variance Variance(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Alias for Var.
VarianceP VarianceP(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Alias for VarP.
VarP VarP(«Set»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns the variance of a numeric expression evaluated over a set (biased).


Function Syntax Description
Adds calculated members to a set.
BottomCount BottomCount(«Set», «Count»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns a specified number of items from the bottom of a set, optionally ordering the set first.
BottomPercent BottomPercent(«Set», «Percentage», «Numeric Expression») Sorts a set and returns the bottom N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage.
BottomSum BottomSum(«Set», «Value», «Numeric Expression») Sorts a set and returns the bottom N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value.
Children «Member».Children Returns the children of a member.
Crossjoin Crossjoin(«Set1», «Set2») Returns the cross product of two sets.
Descendants Descendants(«Member», «Level»[, «Desc_flag»]) Returns the set of descendants of a member at a specified level, optionally including or excluding descendants in other levels.
Distinct Distinct(«Set») Eliminates duplicate tuples from a set.
DrilldownLevel DrilldownLevel(«Set»[, «Level»])
DrilldownLevel(«Set», , «Index»)
Drills down the members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.

Alternatively, drills down on a specified dimension in the set.
DrilldownLevelBottom DrilldownLevelBottom
(«Set», «Count»[, [«Level»][, «Numeric Expression»]])
Drills down the bottom N members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.
DrilldownLevelTop DrilldownLevelTop
(«Set», «Count»[, [«Level»][, «Numeric Expression»]])
Drills down the top N members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.
(«Set1», «Set2»[, RECURSIVE])
Drills down the members in a set that are present in a second specified set.
DrilldownMemberBottom(«Set1», «Set2», «Count»[, [«Numeric Expression»][, RECURSIVE]]) Like DrilldownMember except that it includes only the bottom N children.
(«Set1», «Set2», «Count»[, [«Numeric Expression»][, RECURSIVE]])
Like DrilldownMember except that it includes only the top N children.
DrillupLevel DrillupLevel(«Set»[, «Level»]) Drills up the members of a set that are below a specified level.
DrillupMember DrillupMember(«Set1», «Set2») Drills up the members in a set that are present in a second specified set.
Except Except(«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL]) Finds the difference between two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
Extract Extract(«Set», «Dimension»[, «Dimension»...]) Returns a set of tuples from extracted dimension elements. The opposite of Crossjoin.
Filter Filter(«Set», «Search Condition») Returns the set resulting from filtering a set based on a search condition.
Generate Generate(«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL]) Applies a set to each member of another set and joins the resulting sets by union.
Head Head(«Set»[, « Numeric Expression »]) Returns the first specified number of elements in a set.
Hierarchize Hierarchize(«Set») Orders the members of a set in a hierarchy.
Intersect Intersect(«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL]) Returns the intersection of two input sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
LastPeriods LastPeriods(«Index»[, «Member»]) Returns a set of members prior to and including a specified member.
Members «Dimension».Members Returns the set of all members in a dimension.
Members «Hierarchy».Members Returns the set of all members in a hierarchy.
Members «Level».Members Returns the set of all members in a level.
Mtd Mtd([«Member»]) A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Month.
Order Order(«Set», {«String Expression» | «Numeric Expression»}[, ASC | DESC | BASC | BDESC]) Arranges members of a set, optionally preserving or breaking the hierarchy.
PeriodsToDate PeriodsToDate([«Level»[, «Member»]]) Returns a set of periods (members) from a specified level starting with the first period and ending with a specified member.
Qtd Qtd([«Member»]) A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Quarter.
StripCalculatedMembers StripCalculatedMembers
Removes calculated members from a set.
StrToSet StrToSet(«String Expression») Constructs a set from a string expression.
Subset Subset(«Set», «Start»[, «Count»]) Returns a subset of elements from a set.
Tail Tail(«Set»[, «Count»]) Returns a subset from the end of a set.
ToggleDrillState ToggleDrillState(«Set1», «Set2»[, RECURSIVE]) Toggles the drill state of members. This function is a combination of DrillupMember and DrilldownMember.
TopCount TopCount(«Set», «Count»[, «Numeric Expression»]) Returns a specified number of items from the top of a set, optionally ordering the set first.
TopPercent TopPercent(«Set», «Percentage», «Numeric Expression») Sorts a set and returns the top N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified percentage.
TopSum TopSum(«Set», «Value», «Numeric Expression») Sorts a set and returns the top N elements whose cumulative total is at least a specified value.
Union Union(«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL]) Returns the union of two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
VisualTotals VisualTotals(«Set», «Pattern») Dynamically totals child members specified in a set using a pattern for the total label in the result set.
Wtd Wtd([«Member»]) A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Week.
Ytd Ytd([«Member»]) A shortcut function for the PeriodsToDate function that specifies the level to be Year.


Function Syntax Description
CoalesceEmpty CoalesceEmpty(«String Expression»[, «String Expression»]...) Coalesces an empty cell value to a string.
IIf IIf(«Logical Expression», «String Expression1», «String Expression2») Returns one of two string values determined by a logical test.
Name «Dimension».Name Returns the name of a dimension.
Name «Hierarchy».Name Returns the name of a hierarchy.
Name «Level».Name Returns the name of a level.
Name «Member».Name Returns the name of a member.
SetToStr SetToStr(«Set») Constructs a string from a set.
TupleToStr TupleToStr(«Tuple») Constructs a string from a tuple.
UniqueName «Dimension».UniqueName Returns the unique name of a dimension.
UniqueName «Level».UniqueName Returns the unique name of a level.
UniqueName «Member».UniqueName Returns the unique name of a member.


Function Syntax Description
Current «Set».Current Returns the current tuple from a set during an iteration.
Item «Set».Item(«String Expression»[, «String Expression»...] | «Index») Returns a tuple from a set.
StrToTuple StrToTuple(«String Expression») Constructs a tuple from a string.

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