Return to: Calculated Member Builder Function List
Drills down the bottom N members of a set, at a specified level, to one level below.
DrilldownLevelBottom(«Set», «Count»[, [«Level»][, «Numeric Expression»]])
DrilldownLevelBottom functions like DrilldownLevel but instead of including all children for each member at the specified «Level», only the bottom «Count» number of children are returned, based on «Numeric Expression».
Assuming OR and WA had the lowest sales,
DrilldownLevelBottom({[Customers Location].USA},2,,[Unit Sales])
returns the set
{USA, OR, WA}.
The expression
DrilldownLevelBottom({[Customers Location].[Country].Members},2,,[Unit Sales])
returns the set
{Canada, <bottom two provinces in Canada>, Mexico, <bottom two states in Mexico>, ..., USA, <bottom two states in USA>}.