
Return to: Calculated Member Builder Function List

Returns a set of periods (members) from a specified level starting with the first period and ending with a specified member.


PeriodsToDate([«Level»[, «Member»]])


Within the scope of «Level», returns the set of periods on the level of «Member», starting with the first period and ending with «Member». If no level or member is specified, then the «Member» value is Time.CurrentMember and «Level» is the parent level of Time.CurrentMember. If a level is specified, then «Member» is dimension.CurrentMember, where dimension is the dimension of «Level».

Expression Returns
The set of days from the beginning of Quarter3.
PeriodsToDate(Year, March) The set {January, February, March}.
PeriodsToDate(Year) The set of members from the beginning of the year that is the ancestor of Time.CurrentMember, through Time.CurrentMember.
PeriodsToDate() The set of members from the beginning of the containing period of Time.CurrentMember to Time.CurrentMember. All the returned members are at the same level as Time.CurrentMember.

PeriodsToDate(level, member) is the same as:

TopCount(Descendants(Ancestor(member, level), member.Level), 1):member

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