Return to: Calculated Member Builder Function List
Returns the union of two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.
Union(«Set1», «Set2»[, ALL])
Returns the union of «Set1» and «Set2», eliminating duplicates by default. The ALL flag keeps duplicates in the joined set. Duplicates are deleted from the tail.
{Set1, Set2} or «Set1» + «Set2»
Other ways of joining by union is to use a comma-separated list of sets within braces or to use the + operator. For example,
1. {USA.Children, CANADA.Children}
2. {USA.Children} + {CANADA.Children}
are equivalent to
Union(USA.Children, CANADA.Children, ALL).
Duplicated members are always retained when an alternate syntax is used.
Note This alternate syntax is a Microsoft® SQL Server™ OLAP Services multidimensional expression (MDX) extension to OLE DB.