Dimension Editor - Browse

Enables you to examine and edit a dimension and its levels. It appears in two views, Browse and Schema. You can switch from one view to another by clicking the Preview Dimension Data button or the View Source Tables button. You can also click Data or Schema on the View menu.

The Dimension editor appears when you do either of the following:

The Dimension browser is identical to the Browse pane in the Dimension editor. It appears when you do the following:

In this topic, you can read about:

Browse Pane

The Dimension editor Browse pane displays the dimension in a graphical format, allowing you to easily view multilevel dimension hierarchies. The Browse pane is divided vertically into two panes. The left pane displays the dimension members in a tree format. Expand or collapse individual levels to browse them.

The right pane contains a list of the member properties of the member selected in the left pane. The list of member properties contains all user-defined member properties for the selected member.

Each member property has its name shown in the first column of the list and its value in the second column of the list. The member properties are sorted in the same order as in the tree view.

Dimension Editor Menus

Menu Option Description
File New Dimension - Wizard Creates a new dimension using the Dimension wizard.
  New Dimension - Editor Creates a new dimension using the Dimension editor.
  Save Saves the dimension.
  Save As Saves the dimension under a different file name.
  Exit Closes the Dimension editor.
Edit Rename Renames the selected object.
  Delete Deletes the selected object.
  Remove Join Removes all joins from selected column (Schema pane only).
View Schema Displays the Schema pane.
  Data Displays the Browse pane.
  Properties Expands the Properties pane.
Insert Tables Adds a table to the dimension.
  Level Adds a new level.
  Member Property Adds a new member property.
  Join Adds a join to selected column (Schema pane only).
Tools Process Dimension Processes the dimension.
  Count Dimension Members Counts the number of members in a dimension.
  Validate Dimension Structure Verifies that the dimension structure doesn't contain invalid components that would prevent processing of the dimension.
Help Help on Dimension Editor Displays this Help topic.
  Contents and Index Opens Microsoft® SQL Server™ OLAP Services Books Online.


Tree View

The tree view previews the structure of your dimension in a hierarchical tree. In the tree view, right-click an object to see a shortcut menu for that object.

Right-click Shortcut menu option Description
Dimension name New Dimension Adds a new dimension.
  Process Dimension Processes the dimension.
  New Level Adds a new level.
Level New Level Adds a new level.
  New Member Property Adds a new member property.
  Delete Deletes the level.
  Rename Renames the level.
Member Property Folder New Member Property Adds a new member property.
Member Property New Member Property Adds a new member property.
  Delete Deletes the member property.
  Rename Renames the member property.

Properties Pane

The Properties pane displays the properties of a selected object in the tree view. Each type of object (dimension, level, or member property) contains a different set of properties. Use the Properties pane to modify the property settings for the selected object.

To expand the Properties pane for an object in the tree view

Note The MemberKeyColumn property for a dimension level can refer to a column or to a value derived from a column, such as a formula that extracts the year value from a date-formatted column. However, the column or the value derived from the column must be a string or a number.

For more information about properties, see Properties Cross-Reference.

Working in the Dimension Editor

This section lists the actions that can be performed in the Dimension editor. Many actions can be performed in multiple ways. For example, an action can be accomplished either by clicking a menu item, by clicking a button on the toolbar, or by right-clicking an object and then clicking an item on the shortcut menu.

To view a different dimension

To create a new dimension using the Dimension wizard

To create a new dimension using the Dimension editor

To save the current dimension

To save the current dimension under a different name

  1. On the File menu, click Save As.
  2. In the New Dimension Name dialog box, enter a name in the Dimension Name box, and then click OK.

To add a table

Note Adding a table automatically switches you to the Schema pane.

To add a level

To delete a level

To rename a level

To add a member property

To delete a member property

To rename a member property

To process a dimension

To count dimension members

To validate a dimension structure

To view the Schema pane

To expand the Properties pane

To edit the properties of an object

To close the Dimension editor

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