Process a Dimension Dialog Box

Enables you to process a shared dimension.

This dialog box appears when in the OLAP Manager tree view, in the Shared Dimensions folder, you right-click a shared dimension, and then click Process.


Incremental update

Select this option to append new dimension members to your shared dimension. This option is appropriate when the structure and relationship of the dimension levels and members have not changed, but new members (that is, rows) have been added to the dimension table.

A cube that incorporates a shared dimension remains available to users while the dimension is incrementally updated, and the added dimension members are available in the cube after the update is complete.

Rebuild the dimension structure

Select this option to completely rebuild the dimension structure. This option is appropriate after you’ve made changes to the structure or relationship of the dimension levels or members. For example, use this option after you add, delete, or move a level or after you move a member from one parent member to another.

Important When a shared dimension is processed with this option, all cubes that incorporate the shared dimension immediately become unavailable to users and must be processed before they can be used again.

Caution If a shared dimension’s structure is updated and saved but not processed, it will automatically be processed when any cube incorporating the dimension is processed. At that time any other cubes that incorporate the dimension immediately become unavailable to users and must be processed before they can be used again.


Starts the type of processing you’ve chosen.


Closes the dialog box without processing the dimension.


Displays this topic in Help.

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