
The LastUpdated property of the Dimension interface is not used by OLAP Services. You can set this to any date/time value you want, for instance, to indicate when the source data was last changed.

Applies To
clsAggregationDimension clsDatabaseDimension
clsCubeDimension clsPartitionDimension

Data Type



The access type depends on the class of the dimension object.

Class Access
clsDatabaseDimension R/W
clsCubeDimension R
clsPartitionDimension R
clsAggregationDimension R


The LastUpdated property is not automatically set by any Decision Support Objects (DSO) method. It is provided as a means for client applications to indicate a date or time as to the validity of information. For example, a date of 12/31/96 may mean that the information stored in a cube is not valid after December of 1996.


Use the following code to update an out-of date dimension :

'Assume an object (dsoDim) of ClassType clsDatabaseDimension exists

If dsoDim.LastUpdated < date Then

    'Code to update dimension

End If

See Also
About Decision Support Objects Using Decision Support Objects
LastProcessed Properties Cross-Reference

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