
The SourceTable property of the Dimension interface contains the name of a dimension object’s primary source table. This is the name of the source table associated with the lowest level in the dimension. For example, if your cube has a dimension called Product, and it has levels called ProductCategory, ProductSubCategory, and ProductName, with ordinal positions 1, 2, and 3, respectively, the SourceTable property for the Product dimension will return the name of the source table associated with level ProductName.

Applies To
clsCubeDimension clsPartitionDimension

Data Type





Use the following code to obtain the name of the source table associated with level ProductName in dimension Product:

'Assume an object (dsoDim) of ClassType clsDimension exists

If dsoDim.SourceTable = "Product" Then

    'Code to handle dimension

End If

See Also
About Decision Support Objects Using Decision Support Objects
Properties Cross-Reference  

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