Data Type Mapping to Heterogeneous Data Sources

Microsoft® SQL Server™ is able to map a wide variety of data types.

SQL Server data type

SQL Server
6.5 ODBC
SQL Server
7.0 ODBC
and OLE DB

Jet 3.51 ODBC

Jet 4.0 OLE DB
binary(n) S S S* S
bit L S S* S
char(n) L S S* S
datetime S S S* S
decimal S S S* S
float S S S* S
image S S S* S
int S S S* S
money S S S* S
nchar(n) N S S* S
ntext N S S* S
numeric S S S* S
nvarchar(n) N S S* S
real S S S* S
smalldatetime S S S* S
smallint S S S* S
smallmoney S S S* S
text S S S* S
timestamp S S S* S
tinyint S S S* S
uniqueidentifier N S S* S
varbinary(n) S S S* S
varchar(n) S S S* S
S = supported L = limited support N = not supported
S*= does not apply to DTS    

SQL Server
data type
Oracle ODBC and
binary(n) S L S
bit S S S
char(n) S S S
datetime S S** S**
decimal S S S
float L S L
image S N N
int S S S
money S S S
nchar(n) S S S
ntext L N N
numeric S S S
nvarchar(n) S S S
real S S S
smalldatetime S S S
smallint S S S
smallmoney S S S
text S S N
timestamp S S S
tinyint S S S
uniqueidentifier S S S
varbinary(n) L S S
varchar(n) S S S
S = supported L = limited support N = not supported
S** See DTS Data Conversion and Transformation Considerations


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