Package Security

DTS packages provide two levels of security: owner and user. When a package is saved it can be assigned an owner password, a user password, or both. Users wanting to edit the package must specify the owner password, users wanting to execute the package must specify either the owner or user password.

When an owner password has been assigned to a package, the package is stored in an encrypted format. When a DTS package or version is encrypted, all of its collections and properties are encrypted, except for the DTS package Name, Description, ID, VersionID, and CreationDate properties.

Users must also have permissions to access the storage medium containing a package they want to use. Users must have file permissions to open a DTS COM-structured storage file containing packages. Users must have login permissions to the msdb database containing Microsoft® SQL Server™ storage or Microsoft Repository packages, and their login must also have permission to access the system tables containing the package definition. Users must have read permissions to execute a package and update permissions to edit a package.

See Also
Execute Method SaveToStorageFile Method


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