DTS Data Pump

The DTS Data Pump is a multithreaded OLE DB service provider that provides the infrastructure to import, export, and transform data between heterogeneous OLE DB data sources. OLE DB is used because it provides access to the broadest possible range of relational and nonrelational data stores. The DTS Data Pump is a high-speed in-process COM server that moves and transforms OLE DB rowsets from a source to a destination. Two or more connections are required to perform this operation.

The DTS Data Pump provides an extendable COM-based architecture that allows complex data validations and transformations as data moves from source to destination. The DTS Data Pump makes the full power of Microsoft® ActiveX® scripting languages available to the DTS package, allowing complex procedural logic to be expressed as simple, reusable ActiveX scripts. These scripts can validate, convert, or transform column values as they move from the data source, through the DTS Data Pump, to the destination. New values can be easily calculated from one or more columns in the source rowset and source columns with multiple values can be decomposed into multiple destination columns. ActiveX scripts can also invoke and use the services of any COM object that supports automation.

A DTS Data Pump task includes:

DTS Data Pump tasks can be complex, with complex mappings between the source and destination columns. Sophisticated ActiveX scripts can be used to perform complex transformations of the data as it is transferred. If the transformation logic cannot be implemented in an ActiveX script, a custom Data Transformation can be built using Microsoft Visual Basic® or C++. For more information, see Creating DTS Custom Transformations.

The processing done by a DTS Data Pump task is:

Note Transformations are executed on a row-by-row basis in the same order they were added. They can be executed by any COM object that supports the IDTSDataPumpTransform interface, allowing complex data validation, scrubbing, and enhancement operations to be written.


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