Column Mapping

Column mapping defines the relationships between source and destination columns. Transformations belong to one of these categories.

Transformation type Action
Column copy Copy data from the source column(s) to the destination column(s).
ActiveX script Use an ActiveX script to move the data or reset global variables.
Custom transformation Use a custom transformation registered on your computer, which a developer may have added to define special transformation operations.

When creating a mapping, choose a transformation type. Then, map source and destination columns either to each other or to a global variable.

Graphical Display of Transformations

The Transformations tab of the Transform Data task uses several devices to depict column mappings graphically:

Mapping Configurations

DTS Designer allows several possible mapping configurations.

Mapping configuration Transformation type

Shown by
Single Copy Column, ActiveX Script, or Custom Transformation Maps a single source column to a single destination column. Unidirectional arrow from source to destination column.
Many-to-one ActiveX Script or Custom Transformation Maps several source columns to a single destination column. Lines from selected source columns merge and form an arrow that points to the destination column.
One-to-many ActiveX Script or Custom Transformation Maps a source column to multiple destination columns. Line from a source column forms multiple arrows that point to destination columns.
Many-to-many Copy Column, ActiveX Script, or Custom Transformation Maps several source columns to several destination columns. Use whenever possible, as fewer transformations are invoked with this option than with multiple single column mappings. Lines from multiple source columns merge and form arrows that point to multiple destination columns.
Global variable ActiveX Script or Custom Transformation Maps one or more source or destination columns to an ActiveX script using one or more global variables. For source columns, set the return value in the script to DTSTransformStat_
NoMoreRows or DTSTransformStat_
SkipRow. For destination columns, set the return value in the script to skip fetch.
Curved line:

Starting from source column(s) but not ending on destination columns


Ending on destination column(s) but not starting from source columns.

Column Mapping Properties

By right-clicking an individual mapping line, you can:

Note Double-clicking a mapping line is a quick method of displaying its properties.

How to Define the Column Mappings

Before mapping source-to-destination columns, setting global variables, and defining transformations, you first need to define on the DTS Designer work space:

You then need to define the source table and the destination table, using the Source and Destination tabs of the Data Transformation Properties dialog box.

To copy a single source column to a single destination column

To copy multiple source columns to an equal number of destination columns

To copy one or more source columns to an unequal number of destination columns

To map one or more source or destination columns to a global variable



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