The DTS package is saved as a file with the extension .dts. File is the only option in which a DTS package is saved outside of Microsoft® SQL Server™.
DTS files are COM-structured storage files with the capability of saving multiple packages and versions. By contrast, packages saved to SQL Server or Repository can save multiple versions of a package, but not multiple packages under the same package name. If you want to save multiple packages to the same file, use different package names and the same file name when saving. You can then open, modify, or use a particular package and package version.
When you open a .dts file from SQL Server Enterprise Manager, if there are multiple packages or package versions saved to the file you select, the Select Package dialog box appears. The dialog box includes an icon tree representing a complete version history of each saved package.
At the top of the hierarchy, a text file icon and accompanying label represents the storage location for the packages. The next object in the hierarchy is a package icon. There can be multiple package icons under a file. Expanding a package icon displays the package version history, with each version represented by an icon and accompanying date label. Double-clicking a package icon loads the latest version of that package version and opens DTS Designer; double-clicking a version icon loads that specific package version and opens DTS Designer
Unlike packages saved to SQL Server, DTS file package versions cannot be deleted individually; you can only delete all versions at once.
To save a DTS package to a file
To access a DTS package saved to a file