Designing and Processing Aggregations

OLAP tools are typically used to create and manage summary data. Microsoft® SQL Server™ OLAP Services allows aggregations to be stored in a variety of formats and locations, with dynamic connections to underlying details in the data warehouse. Summary data is often generated to satisfy the commonly executed queries in the data warehouse. Storing preaggregated data increases query performance, and reduces the load on the data warehouse.

If a data warehouse is built so the data in it does not change, then preaggregating data in the fact table saves only the disk space required by the fact table. OLAP Services uses the processing time that would have been used to preaggregate in the fact table when it processes the fact table as it builds a cube. However, precalculated aggregations are stored in the cube and do not need to be recalculated for each query. If a hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) or relational OLAP (ROLAP) cube is used, the fact table is not copied into the cube as it is in multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) cubes, so the overhead required to retain availability of the detail data is only the fact table size, not processing time or query response time.

Preaggregation strategy when designing a data warehouse for use by OLAP Services depends on the following variables:

When designing the data warehouse for OLAP, the user's needs should drive the preaggregation strategy. The fact table should only be preaggregated to the level of granularity below which no user would want to access detail.

For more information, see your OLAP Services documentation


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