Adding Tables to a Database Diagram

Tables are the basic building blocks of database diagrams. Every diagram is made up of one or more tables and the various objects related to those tables.

Each table consists of a set of columns that contain information about the type of data stored in the table. You must define at least one column to save a table in the database. Each column must be assigned a name, data type, and length. These and other properties can be defined and modified directly in your database diagram.

A table can also have a set of constraints and indexes. Because constraints and indexes are defined for a specific table, they are treated as properties of that table in a database diagram. You use the property pages to create, modify, or delete constraints and indexes for a table.

You can add a table to your database diagram to edit its content or relate it to other tables in your diagram. You can:

To insert a new table into a database diagram

To add an existing table to a database diagram

To add related tables to a database diagram

See Also
Tables Mapping Many-to-Many Key Relationships Using Database Diagrams


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