What You Need to Deploy on the Web

To deploy a Microsoft English Query application on the Web, you can modify the sample files, or you can create your new .asp, .asa, .htm, and .inc files. For a description of the sample script, see Sample Script. For information about using English Query objects to modify the VBScript in these files, see Overview of the English Query Object Model.

You also need an English Query application file (.eqd), which contains domain knowledge for your application. You can use Mypubs.eqd if you completed the Tutorial, or the sample Pubs.eqd if you haven't created an application file yet.

In addition, you must have access to the server running Microsoft Internet Information Server and to the server running Microsoft® SQL Server™ that runs the database associated with your application, such as the Pubs database. Contact your system administrator for help with any of these preliminary tasks.

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