Response.asp Sample Script

This script returns the results of a user's request. It produces either a response page or a clarification page, depending on whether Microsoft English Query requires additional user input to answer the question.


Microsoft English Query

Copyright 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Component: Sample Scripts

File: Response.asp

Response Page


<!--#include -->




        <TITLE>English Query Response</TITLE>


    <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">


        '----- Validate the question -----

        strQuestion = Request.QueryString("reqQuestTyped")

        If IsEmpty(strQuestion) or strQuestion = "" Then

            Response.Write "No question received<BR>"


        End If

        '----- Get (or initialize) the session

        Set objEQSession = GetEQSession("Pubs.eqd")

        '----- Submit the question -----

        Set objEQResponse = objEQSession.ParseRequest(strQuestion)

        '----- Handle the response -----

        ProcessResponse objEQResponse, strQuestion





(c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.